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KVM USB/DVI/Audio KVM Cable, 6-feet (USBDVI4N1A6)

Discussion in 'Cables' started by John M R, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. John M R

    John M R New member

    Will be brief (order #6201)...

    The cables are fine except that the DVI-D end that plugs into the DVI-D on my Radeon R7 240 cards will not connect. I had two DVI-D only (not the rest of the set) cables which fit quite nicely on both sides of the connector. Those from StarTech would not go in on the thick prong side of the connector. Granted I only attempted to connect two StarTech cables of the eight sent me. Please advise.

    I was called on Friday June 19th by KVMGalore concerning the cable purchase. Decided not to reply right away so as to eliminate the possible problems.
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Not sure what you mean by this.

    Can you attach an image of the computer's DVI connector onto which you are having a difficulty connecting the StarTech cable?

    P.S. It is better that you sign-in before you reply to this thread (instead of posting as a guest). This will allow you to easily look up this conversation anytime, anywhere, with just one mouse click.
  3. John M R

    John M R New member

    I would proceed but how would a picture be attached. There are two pictures one of the Zotac GT 740 and the other of the Sapphire Radeon R7 240. I hope the precise models involved. The Radeon is still currently selling on officedepot.com from whom I bought two. The Radeon is PCIE 3 class. Is that enough for your purposes?


    John Reuschlein
  4. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    We have signed you up as a member. Sign in (instead of posting as a guest) and you will be able to to attach your images (learn more about signing up).

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