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IP Dominion KX III vs. Kramer KDS EN-7

Discussion in 'KVM' started by ELi A, Sep 14, 2022.

  1. ELi A

    ELi A New member

    1. We recently purchased Raritan KVM system from KVMGalore and our customer is very satisfied from it.

    2. Now we are trying to convince a large customer of us, to use also the Raritan KVM system based on the Dominion KX III 16 port, instead of the Kramer (KDS EN-7, KDS DEC-7 & SM40NU-N).

    3. Raritan has a representative in Israel. We already purchased from you and we prefer to purchase from KVMGalore in future.

    4. Can you help us with Raritan vs. Kramer pros and cons, and good pricing to convince our customer, and to be your partnership in this case (huge opportunity).

    Best Regards

  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Hello Eli,

    Thank you for reaching out on our HelpCenter.

    Raritan Dominion KX III is a KVM over IP switch that allows one or more remote users (plus one local user at the rack) to access and control connected computers from a remote location over the network (LAN; WAN; Intranet or Internet). The remote user may be sitting in front of a computer (or a Dominion KX User Station) in a different room, or across the street, or across the world.

    Kramer KDS EN-7 and KDS DEC-7 are a video over IP extension/distribution/switching system over a managed and dedicated LAN. Kramer KDS EN-7 and KDS DEC-7 do not support keyboard/mouse switching at all.

    SM40NU-N that you mentioned is a HighSecLab (not Kramer) secure KVM switch designed for a local user to access and control connected computers from a local keyboard/mouse/monitor console.

    In short, Raritan Dominion KX III is a completely different system than Kramer KDS EN-7 and KDS DEC-7 video over IP and HighSecLab secure KVM switch, to the extent that they cannot even be compared.

    Please elaborate...

    a) What is the user application you are seeking to support by deploying a Dominion KX III system?

    b) How are Kramer KDS EN-7 and KDS DEC-7 currently being used in conjunction with HighSecLab SM40NU-N (a diagram would be helpful)?

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.

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