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Wall-Plate USB extenders

Discussion in 'USB' started by Salvadore, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. Salvadore

    Salvadore New member

    Looking for USB extenders (max distance about 50 feet) to replace existing 15-foot USB booster cables (which are causing all sorts of connectivity problems).

    Ideally such USB extension system will use wall-plate both on the source end and destination end.
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    If you need to support USB 1.1 - the USB Superbooster Wall-Plate system extends the distance of a USB signal up to 150 feet over CAT-5. Use the USB Superbooster Wall Plate Kit or purchase a USB Superbooster Wall Plate Transmitter and Receivers (wall-plate or dongle style) separately.

    If you need to support USB 2.0 - TruLink USB 2.0 Superbooster system is a small form-factor dongle/wall-plate combo USB 2.0 extension system with high data transfer speeds over standard CAT-5/6 cabling up to 328 feet.
  3. Salvadore

    Salvadore New member

    Is there a device that does not need to run power?
  4. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    USB Superbooster Wall Plate Kit and USB Superbooster Wall Plate Transmitter are bus-powered, requiring no external power source.

    TruLink USB 2.0 Superbooster system features integrated UTP power inserter technology that provides 500 milliamps of power when the power adapter is connected through the transmitter end or receiver end, depending on the desired configuration. This provides enough power to operate most new USB devices, such as new interactive whiteboards, and allows for flexibility in equipment placement.

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