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Multi-screen UNIMUX-DP4K-2DH auto switching inputs

Discussion in 'KVM' started by herbdavisy2k, Aug 25, 2020.

  1. herbdavisy2k

    herbdavisy2k New member

    I'm running the UNIMUX-DP4K-2DH and while working on PC1 it will switch to PC2 (not powered on) without me hitting the double press "Scroll Lock" or "Num Lock".

    Both PC's are windows
    PC1 is an HP laptop
    PC2 is a gaming pc
  2. herbdavisy2k

    herbdavisy2k New member

    I bought a new usb extension cable and going to see if that's the culprit.
  3. herbdavisy2k

    herbdavisy2k New member

    Extension cable changed and still experiencing the same issues
  4. Tammy Kuhn

    Tammy Kuhn Member

    We appreciate your business and would like to get this resolved for you. Per the technicians, this issue doesn't sound familiar and the only thing they can think of is that the button on the front is stuck or is some how getting pressed.

    Please let me know what the date on the bottom of the unit is for warranty information and then we can look at possibly getting it back in-house upon approval to evaluate.

    Thanks again and talk to you soon,

    Tammy Kuhn
    Network Technologies Inc
  5. herbdavisy2k

    herbdavisy2k New member

    Warranty sticker says 8/13/2020.
    I just submitted an RMA request.
  6. Tammy has retired and I will be able to help you with this. The details on the failure have been forwarded to our technician. We will get back to you with return instructions shortly. Can you please provide an email address to where we can email that information?

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2020
  7. Phyllis Collier

    Phyllis Collier New member

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