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Multi-screen Dual monitor KVM

Discussion in 'KVM' started by Peter Soh, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Peter Soh

    Peter Soh New member

    I have an old Windows XP Dell workstation, I just bought a new one from multi monitor site with Windows 7 Pro

    I'm keeping my old dual monitor VGA Dell.

    I have a DVI to VGA converter with the Dell workstation.

    I want to get a KVM switch to toggle between the 2 computers.

    Will this one work?

    Belkin SOHO Dual VGA
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    [​IMG]Yes, Belkin SOHO Dual VGA, 2-Ports will allow you to toggle between two computers, each with two VGA outputs for dual display.

    But you have other choices too you may want to look at.

    Look at StarView DVI-VGA Dual Monitor USB KVMA/KVMP Switch, 4-Ports. Although you need only 2-ports, this switch inherently support one VGA input and one DVI input per port, eliminating the need to convert your DVI to VGA.

    You may also consider MiniView 2-Port Dual View Dual Link DVI KVMP Switch with Audio. The switch supports DVI-I which may allow you to use a simple DVI-VGA adapter for your VGA computer, although the included cables will not support the analog signal (since they are DVI-D).

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