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Multi-screen Dual-head KVM switcher

Discussion in 'KVM' started by Enamul Islam, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. Enamul Islam

    Enamul Islam New member

    Please would assist us on the KVM switch we are looking at? The "AdderView 4 PRO DisplayPort" seems to be the right product for our requirements. And also wee need to find a dual-head KVM switcher.

    Requirement 1: We will be connecting a Mac Pro (2015) and a PC (with DVI) to one screen (EIZO
    ColorEdge CG277 with DisplayPort)

    Requirement 2: We will be connecting a Mac Pro (2015) and a PC (with DVI) to dual screens (EIZO CG277) switching to dual screens (EIZO CG277 or Apple thunderbolt disps). Need a dual-head KVM switcher for this.

    Requirement 3: Power supplies need to be Australian standard. Price in AU$ and international/Australian warranty.
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    What video resolution do you need to support with the two machines connected to the dual-head KVM switch?

    P.S. It is better that you sign-in before you reply to this thread (instead of posting as a guest). This will allow you to easily look up this conversation anytime, anywhere, with just one mouse click.
  3. Enamul Islam

    Enamul Islam New member

  4. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

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