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Multi-screen Mac and PC to multiple different resolution monitors AND USB devices

Discussion in 'KVM' started by Chris Williams, Jul 19, 2023.

  1. Hi there! I have the following setup:
    1 MacBook Pro laptop (M2 MAX 16" if that makes a difference)
    1 Windows PC with 3060Ti video card
    1 XLR mic running to USB C
    1 4k camera running to USB B
    1 elgato stream deck running to USB B
    1 ultrawide monitor (38" 3440 x 1440)
    1 regular monitor (27" 1920 x 1080)
    1 logitech mouse & keyboard running to a wireless universal receiver on USB B

    Which is the appropriate KVM switch between the MBP and PC & still be able to use all the peripherals and both monitors?

    There seem to be a LOT of options and the spec sheets are confusing with the monitor resolution restrictions.
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Hello Chris,

    Thank you for reaching out on our HelpCenter.

    A KVM switch doesn't 'care' about operating systems your computers have. What's needed is to know what type of connectors your hardware has. So, before we can point you in the right direction, we need some additional information about your setup:
    1) What type of video connections does your MacBook Pro laptop have?
    2) How many video connections does your MacBook Pro laptop have?
    3) What type of USB connections does your MacBook Pro laptop have?
    4) How many USB connections does your MacBook Pro laptop have?
    5) What type of video connections does your Windows PC have?
    6) How many video connections does your Windows PC have?
    7) What type of USB connections does your Windows PC have?
    8) How many USB connections does your Windows PC have?
    9) What do you mean by "running to USB B"? Do you mean that the cable coming out of the device has a USB Type-B connector to it?
    10) What type of video connections does your ultrawide monitor have?
    11) What type of video connections does your regular monitor have?

    Please advise.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.
  3. Hi! Thank you so much for the follow up!

    1) What type of video connections does your MacBook Pro laptop have? (3) USB-C and (1) HDMI (I have a multiport adapter in one of the USB-C ports)
    2) How many video connections does your MacBook Pro laptop have? HDMI (2 with the adapter)
    3) What type of USB connections does your MacBook Pro laptop have? They are all USB-C Thunderbolt 4 connections (https://www.apple.com/macbook-pro-14-and-16/specs/)
    4) How many USB connections does your MacBook Pro laptop have? 3 USB-C
    5) What type of video connections does your Windows PC have? (3) Display Port and (1) HDMI
    6) How many video connections does your Windows PC have? (3) Display Port and (1) HDMI
    7) What type of USB connections does your Windows PC have? (6) USB-B and (1) USB-C
    8) How many USB connections does your Windows PC have? (6) USB-B and (1) USB-C
    9) What do you mean by "running to USB B"? Do you mean that the cable coming out of the device has a USB Type-B connector to it? yes
    10) What type of video connections does your ultrawide monitor have? (1) DP, (1) HDMI, (1) mDP, (1) MHL
    11) What type of video connections does your regular monitor have? (1) HDMI, (1) VGA, (1) DVI

    Let me know if you need any further information, I hope I got it all :)

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