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Sensor Geist's NI30202 unit-level monitored PDU

Discussion in 'Environment Monitors' started by Kraig Svrcina, Jul 29, 2024.

  1. Kraig Svrcina

    Kraig Svrcina New member

    I am looking to monitor for temperature, humidity and water in my DC.

    I am looking at the FS-15 Geist Watchdog Flood Sensor, the Geist Watchdog A2D for the Flood Sensor and the Geist Watchdog Daisy-Chain Temperature/Humidity/Dew-Point Sensor.

    My question is connecting them back to the Geist NI30202. Are both NON, network ports the same, so in other words, can I connect each monitor device into each of the ports or are they different?

    If they are different and I can only plus into one, how do I get both monitors connected back to the Geist NI30202?

  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Hello Kraig,

    Thank you for reaching out on our HelpCenter.

    We were able to confirm that both sockets you are referring to are the RJ-12 sensor ports, which can be used for connecting Vertiv plug-and-play digital sensors. Analog sensing (such as FS-15 you mentioned) is also available with the use of Vertiv A2D converter (as you mentioned).

    Each digital sensor is automatically discovered and the PDUs support up to 16 sensors.

    Hope this helps!
    We welcome your questions - please come back and ask us anything, anytime. You may also give us a call at 1-800-636-3434 for further clarifications on this thread.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.

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