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A/V Routing AV from 3 locations to one projector

Discussion in 'Audio/Video' started by Wendell, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. Wendell

    Wendell New member

    I'm looking for an audio/video solution to accomplish the following:

    I have a projector that can accept both VGA and HDMI signal for the video, and I have a sound system that will need to play the incoming audio.

    I'm looking to send audio and video signals to the projector from one laptop. The laptop may have either HDMI, or VGA+audio.

    If the laptop has HDMI, the audio from the HDMI needs to be de-embedded so that it can be routed to the audio system.

    The laptop may be located in three (3) different location (one at a time), at distances of up to 240 feet away from the projector.

    Can you recommend a solution?
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member


    CAT-5 AV extenders will need to be setup between the 3 laptop locations and the projector/audio-amp location.

    These extenders will then connect to an AV switch by the projector/audio-amp location, outputting the incoming video signal to the projector and the audio signal to the audio-amp.
    The AV switch can be one which...
    - Internally converts the signal to one unified format for output (for example: accepts HDMI (digital) and VGA (analog); converts VGA to HDMI and outputs HDMI), or
    - Accepts digital and analog, and outputs both digital and analog with no conversion.

    The challenge here is that it is unknown whether the connected laptop at anyone of the sources will be HDMI, or VGA+audio. Therefore, from each location, we will need to use...
    - An AV extender that can handle both HDMI and VGA, or
    - Two extenders, one supporting HDMI and another supporting VGA+audio. Using this option will, in turn, require double the number of ports on the AV switch.

    Another challenge is where to perform the the de-embedding of the audio from the HDMI. This can be accomplished...
    - By the extender, so that each port on the AV switch will be receiving separate audio signal for each port, or
    - By the AV switch.

    And so we are currently examining these options, pros and cons of each option, and searching for the right hardware that will support this layout.

    Stay tuned.
  3. Michael SmartAVI

    Michael SmartAVI Active member


    Here is our recommendation. From a single laptop location you can connect via VGA or HDMI to our V2V-Max Multi-format switch. From there the signal gets extended by the HDX-LX up to 250 feet to our HR-4P switch where the three locations will rendezvous. The HR-4P will be connected to an HSA-100 which will separate the video into the projector and the audio into the sound system. Please refer to diagram. KVMGALORE - VGAHDMI EXTENSION SOLUTION.png
  4. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member


    In addition to the above solution using Smart-AVI, we are currently writing up two more possible solutions for you.

    Stay tuned!
  5. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Another option is to use Key Digital extenders and switch.

    Three (3) KD-X1000ProK extenders will be deployed, with the transmitters by the laptop locations and the receivers by the projector and audio-amp.

    KD-X1000ProK transmitter (Tx) can accept either HDMI or VGA+audio, thus will accommodate any type laptop. If the input is VGA+audio, the unit converts the signal to HDMI (video+audio).

    CAT-5 will connect each Tx unit to its receiver (Rx) unit.

    Each receiver outputs HDMI (video+audio) which is connected to a port on the KD-HD4x1ProK switch. You will need to switch to the appropriate port corresponding to laptop-location source. The KD-HD4x1ProK connects via HDMI to the projector. It also de-embeds the audio and sends it to the audio-amp via 3.5mm L/R, or digital S/PDIF or optical.

    See attached diagram.

    Attached Files:

  6. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Another option - in a similar setup to that proposed with Key Digital hardware - would be to deploy Kramer extenders and switch.

    Three (3) SID-X2N transmitters will be deployed by the laptop locations. SID-X2N can accept either HDMI or VGA+audio, thus will accommodate any type laptop. If the input is VGA+audio, the unit converts the signal to HDMI (video+audio).

    Three (3) TP-580R (for distance up to 230 feet) or TP-580RXR (for longer distance) will be deployed by the projector and audio-amp. Each receiver outputs HDMI (video+audio) which is connected to a port on the vp-444 switch. You will need to switch to the appropriate port corresponding to laptop-location source.

    vp-444 connects via HDMI to the projector. It also de-embeds the audio and sends it to the audio-amp via Pheonix L/R, or digital S/PDIF or optical.

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