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Multi-screen 4 PC inputs, 2 workstations, 3 monitors, DisplayPort, multi user

Discussion in 'KVM' started by ged325, Mar 10, 2025.

  1. ged325

    ged325 Guest

    Hi Support,

    We have 4 PCs that need to be accessed from either Desk A or Desk B.

    Desk A and Desk B both have 3 monitors, keyboard, mouse.

    So Today, Desk A may access PC1 and Desk B may access PC2.
    Tomorrow, Desk A may access Pc3 and Desk B may access PC1.

    All 3 monitors only need to access one PC at a time (e.g. no need to split monitors amongst the PCs).

    We are currently using a DisplayPort daisy chain in the monitors, so if you only have a KVM that supports 2 devices but can do daisy chaining that would be acceptable.

    The machines are extremely close (~3 feet) so distance is not an issue.

    This is the closest thing that I've found, but is HDMI and only has 2 monitors:

    Looking for something similar that can be accomplished with DisplayPort.

  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Hello ged325,

    Thank you for reaching out on our HelpCenter.

    The link you provided is a KVM switch that supports only one user.
    Click here for similar KVM switches supporting 4x computers and 4x DisplayPort feeds (of which you can use only 3x video feeds)

    This is DisplayPort MST feature which is typically not supported in the use case of KVM switches. Using a multi-screen KVM switch supporting 3x monitors will require 3x video feeds from each computer.

    We are not aware of similar KVM switches that support two users.

    To accomplish this (2x users, each with 3x monitors, 1x keyboard and 1x mouse accessing and controlling 4x computers) you could deploy a KVM over IP system.
    You will need to deploy 12x Transmitters to connect to the computers (1x for each video feed) and 6x Receivers to connect to the monitors.
    KVM over IP systems that support multi-screen can also be deployed, but they typically only support 2x video feeds (so you will need to add additional Transmitters/Receivers that support 1x video feed).

    Hope this helps!
    We welcome your questions - please come back and ask us anything, anytime. You may also give us a call at 1-800-636-3434 for further clarifications on this thread.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.

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