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Multi-screen Dual monitor KVM

Discussion in 'KVM' started by James W, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. James W

    James W New member

    I am looking for a dual-monitor KVM.

    One PC has 1 VGA and 1 HDMI.
    The other PC has 1 VGA and 1 DisplayPort.

    What would you recommend?
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    It has taken us forever to get back with you (we apologize for this), but hopefully our resolution will be worth the wait!

    While dual-view multi-screen KVM switches are available in quite an abundance, the challenge here is that each one of your computers has one digital video output and one analog (VGA) video output.

    One would think a switch supporting DVI-I would suffice (being that it can accept either digital or analog input on each connection), but it turns out it's a bit more complex than that.

    Using AdderView 4 PRO DVI MultiScreen, Dual-Head, you can get your setup to work if you pay close attention to the connections.

    Looking at the back of the unit, you should allocate all V1 (horizontal) connections to be analog (VGA), and all V2 (horizontal) connections to be digital (HDMI; DisplayPort).

    Then make the connection...

    a) Connect a VGA monitor to V1 console video port (colored white) using a simple DVI-VGA adapter (or adapter-cable).

    b) Connect a DVI (or HDMI, or DisplayPort) monitor to V2 console video port (colored white) using a simple adapter if necessary.

    c) PC-1: Connect the computer's VGA port to the switch's Port #1 / V1 using a simple DVI-VGA adapter (or adapter-cable). Connect the computer's HDMI port to the switch's Port #1 / V2 using a simple DVI-HDMI adapter (or adapter-cable). Connect the computer's USB port (USB Type A) to the switch's Port #1 USB Type-B, using a USB Type-A to Type-B cable.

    d) PC-2: Connect the computer's VGA port to the switch's Port #2 / V1 using a simple DVI-VGA adapter (or adapter-cable). Connect the computer's DisplayPort port to the switch's Port #2 / V2 using a simple DVI-DisplayPort adapter (or adapter-cable). Connect the computer's USB port (USB Type A) to the switch's Port #2 USB Type-B, using a USB Type-A to Type-B cable.

    And that's it!

    Note: We were unable to confirm that a similar setup would actually work on other brands.

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