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Multi-screen 4 video-head KVM switching and extension

Discussion in 'KVM' started by Dennis Meskill, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. Dennis Meskill

    Dennis Meskill New member

    I need a KVM solution that controls eight PCs that have up to four monitors each. The monitors and keyboards are at consoles in a control room and the PCs are in a rack in a separate network room fifty feet away.
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    If we understand you correctly, you are looking to have a console in the control room consisting of one keyboard, one mouse and four monitors, accessing (and switching between) 4 computers, each with 4 video outputs, located at a network room 50 feet away from the control room. We are assuming the keyboard/mouse interface is USB. Please confirm this depiction of your setup.

    What type video do you need?
    Other? (please specify)

    P.S. It is better that you sign-in before you reply to this thread (instead of posting as a guest). This will allow you to easily look up this conversation anytime, anywhere, with just one mouse click.

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