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Video Wall Displaying images on multiple LCD screens

Discussion in 'Audio/Video' started by Ralph, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Ralph

    Ralph New member

    I am looking for a card/controller/windows based software application that can work with 4-8 20" wall mounted LCD screens. I do not need something extravagant. I am not looking to display videos. Just jpeg images that will need to be correctly displayed (one at a time) regardless of how I might configure the layout of the LCDs. Do you have anything? If so, how much? If not, any suggestions on what I can use? Please advise.
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    A few clarifying questions:
    1) Are these images being viewed originally on one computer?
    2) What type of video output does this computer have?
    3) Are you looking to display the same image on ALL screens at any given time?
    4) What type of video input do the LCD screens have?
    5) What is the distance between the source (computer generating the images?) and the screens?
  3. Ralph

    Ralph New member

    1) Yes.
    2) It can be modified to support any video output required. It is a dedicated Windows 7 computer.
    3) Yes. See bottom right image.
    4) The architecture and type of LCD monitors will occasionally change. I can use whatever type of input required.
    5) 10 feet or so.
  4. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    In the bottom-right image you provided, the video on each monitor is different (not identical), creating a video-wall affect, in which one image is being sliced into pieces, each piece being displayed on a separate screen. ALL screens together display the one image in its entirety.
  5. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    [​IMG] A video wall solution supporting 8 screens may get pricey.

    As an alternative, since you're only looking to display still images, you may want to look at deploying SignWare-Pro.

    You will need one per screen, all managed over the network from one PC, software included.
  6. Ralph

    Ralph New member

    Yep... technically the image (not video) on each monitor will be different, creating a video-wall affect, in which the software/controller smartly slices the image into pieces, and displays each pieced on a separate screen. Then all screens together display the one image in its entirety.
    So the SignWare-Pro will smartly split the image determining what goes on each screen? Or does the software do that? So I would need eight of these? Why?
  7. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    [​IMG] SignWare-Pro will allow you - via the included software - to display different images on dedicated screens, but will not create a video wall.

    To create a video wall (even with still images) in which all screens combined form the display of one image (as depicted in the bottom right of the image you have provided) you will need a video-wall solution, supporting 4 or 8 screens, such as SignWall.

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