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Multi-screen 2 PCs with 2 HDMI monitors and 2 peripherals

Discussion in 'KVM' started by Doron Jones, Nov 10, 2022.

  1. Doron Jones

    Doron Jones New member

    I have a gaming desktop and a work laptop. I have 2 monitors, a mouse, and a keyboard I would like to be able to switch between those two computers.

    I believe I have one monitor connected with HDMI and the other with DisplayPort, but I could switch to 2 HDMIs if necessary or if it cuts the cost of the switch.
    My main requirement is that one of the monitors needs to be able to reach a 144hz refresh rate at 1080p resolution.

    My laptop has a USB-C port and an HDMI port. If possible, I would like to be able to power the laptop and connect to the displays through the USB cable running from the switch.

    Could you please find me the cheapest option that meets these specs or let me know what changes I might need to make to cut cost?
  2. Doron Jones

    Doron Jones New member

    "If possible, I would like to be able to power the laptop and connect to the displays through the USB cable running from the switch." Specifically USB-C

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