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Multi-screen Connecting 2 laptops to one set of monitors

Discussion in 'KVM' started by Donna Ramsey, Sep 14, 2022.

  1. Donna Ramsey

    Donna Ramsey Guest

    Hello - I have 2 laptops and 2 monitors. I would like to use a "switch" connected to both laptops and the monitors that would allow me to switch between the laptops as needed. I would like to use both monitors simultaneously with the individual laptops. Does this exist?
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Hello Donna,

    Thank you for reaching out on our HelpCenter.

    Not sure what this means. Please explain how you are looking to use your two monitors:
    a) Extended desktop (with the ability to move the mouse from one screen to the next). When switched to computer #1, the video from computer #1 is displayed on both screens in an 'extended desktop'. When switched to computer #2, the video from computer #2 replaces the video from computer #1 and is displayed on both screens in an 'extended desktop'. or
    b) Monitor #1 is constantly displaying the video from computer #1, while monitor #2 is constantly displaying the video from computer #2.

    Please advise.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.
  3. Donna Ramsey

    Donna Ramsey Guest

    Is there a switch that could be placed between the docking station and the 2 laptops that would allow me to switch between the laptops? Right now I have to unplug the docking station from laptop 1 and plug into laptop 2 when I need to work on it. This is causing the plug portal on the laptop to weaken and the connection is rather touchy.
  4. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Yes. A 2-port KVM switch will accomplish that.

    But we still need to understand what you mean by "I would like to use both monitors simultaneously with the individual laptops."

    To further narrow our recommendation, we also need to know what type of video connections do your computers have and what type of video connections do your monitors have.

    Please advise.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.
  5. Donna Ramsey

    Donna Ramsey Guest

    Video is not an issue with my setup. Everything is strictly business for mortgage loans and accounting. Disregard my comment using "simultaneously. I want computer #1 to display on the monitors when switched to computer #1 and then I want to switch to computer #2 and have that computer display on the monitors. Do I make any sense at all?
  6. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member


    In terms of video, it sounds like you are looking for option (a) we described above, having each computer - when switched to it - display its video on both monitors, in an Extended desktop fashion.

    You will need two things to accomplish this this:
    1) A dual-video-head KVM switch (to further narrow our recommendation, we need to know what type of video connections do your computers have and what type of video connections do your monitors have), and
    2) Two video connections on each one of your two computers. Do you currently have 2x video connections on each computer? If you don't, you will need to create them.

    Please advise.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.
  7. Donna Ramsey

    Donna Ramsey Guest

    I thank you kindly for your input. Due to my complete lack of knowledge with computers, I think it best if I have an "in person" individual help me with this request.

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