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A/V DVI-D optical fiber cable

Discussion in 'Cables' started by Pablo, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Pablo

    Pablo New member

    Quick question: This cable comes with two power supplies one for each end?

    DVI-D Optical Fiber Cable, 246-feet
    Model No. DVI-FO-246-MM
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2014
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    These cables do not require any external power. Below are these DVI-D Fiber Optical Cables key features and benefit:
    • High speed and long distance transmission by optical system.
    • No loss of signal - delivering crystal clear digital images instantly.
    • RGB and Clock signals are transmitted by optical fiber.
    • DDC signal is transmitted by copper line.
    • No external power required.
    • Optical fibers immune to signal noise.
    • Low RFI/EMI for sensitive applications.
    • Perfect solution for cable runs that must be routed through walls and over ceilings.

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