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Sensor Getting text notifications

Discussion in 'Environment Monitors' started by Andy H, Jun 9, 2020.

  1. Andy H

    Andy H New member

    I'm looking at your environmental monitoring systems and I'm wondering:
    1) Do they support sending alerts via text?
    2) How does that get set-up in the system?
    3) Do the monitoring appliances come with everything needed to support sending alerts via text, or is there any additional equipment required in order to accomplish this?
  2. Tammy

    Tammy Guest

    NTI ENVIROMUX E-xD monitoring systems use a USB 4GU modem in order to send SMS Text messages.

    • Sends SMS text messages to a pager or cell phone when a sensor goes out of range of a configurable threshold.
    • SIM card supporting SMS messaging required (not included).
    • Supports fourth generation (4G) digital cellular standards.
    • USB 2.0 stick with Male USB Type A connector
    • To select the correct model, contact your mobile carrier BEFORE ORDERING to determine what band(s) must be supported by the modem for your area.
    • More information is here: http://www.networktechinc.com/pdf/man166.pd
    You can also send SMS text messages to a phone without the need of a modular SIM card, send the message as an email to an SMS or MMS Email address. The email will be converted to and sent as a text message without the additional cost. Instructions on doing this are here: http://www.networktechinc.com/pdf/e-micro-1w-sms.pdf

    Contact KVMGalore sales for price and availability.

    NTI Consultant
  3. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Hello Andy,

    Thank you for reaching out on our HelpCenter.

    Watchdog units are able to support alerts via text messages by using a GSM Auto Dialer, for example the AD06 GSM Auto Dialer by Keystone Electronics alongside a SIM card of your preferred carrier.

    The GSM Dialer manual (see attached) has all of the information on how install the unit to a monitoring system. All of the setup is mostly done through the Auto Dialer. Watchdog 100 does have all the connections necessary for the Auto Dialer to work with the unit.

    Hope this helps!
    We welcome your questions - please come back and ask us anything, anytime. You may also give us a call at 1-800-636-3434 for further clarifications on this thread.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.

    Attached Files:

  4. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Another way Watchdogs can accomplish this is by sending an email to SMS message. This is done by using the cell phone numbers email account. You would need to know the carrier for the cell number you are trying to text and then you can find the email address to insert. Then you would select that as a target for sending alerts. Below are some examples of carrier email address configurations:


    US Cellular



    US Cellular


    Hope this helps!

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.

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