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Reverse KVM KVM for new house

Discussion in 'KVM' started by John Parenteau, Apr 13, 2022.

  1. Greetings:

    I want to put computers in my basement and run KVM from them to two rooms so I can operate any computer from either room. This will be a combination of Apple computers and Windows. Can you suggest a solution that isn't crazy expensive but would cover this scenario? I need dual monitor support, preferably UHD resolution, plus keyboard and mouse.

    Thank you!
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Hello John,

    Thank you for reaching out on our HelpCenter.

    To accomplish this you will need to set up a KVM over IP* (supporting dual-video) network.
    In addition to an Ethernet switch (for the network), you will need to deploy 1x Transmitter unit by each computer and 1x Receiver unit by each console in each of the rooms from which you wish to control the computers.
    Connect all the Transmitter and Receiver units to the Ethernet switch (using CATx cables) and you're done!

    * Use KVMGFilter to further narrow down your search based on supported video resolution.

    Hope this helps!
    We welcome your questions - please come back and ask us anything, anytime. You may also give us a call at 1-800-636-3434 for further clarifications on this thread.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.
  3. With two Apple computers and one Windows computer, can you suggest which units? There are so many to choose from I have no idea which one to use. I already have a gigabit switch.
  4. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    These KVM over IP* (supporting dual-video) systems do not 'care' whether your computers are Apple or Windows. The two factors that matter most in your selection would be:
    a) Video interface (DisplayPort; DVI; HDMI or VGA)
    b) Maximum video resolution support
    Use KVMGFilter to further narrow down your search based on these parameters (or provide us with this information and we will do this for you!)
  5. So I believe all computers will want to display at 2560x1440 to match (the iMac displays higher on its built in display, but I won't be using that and instead using remote monitors at the 2560 res).
    The Macs are Thunderbolt 3 and the Windows machine is DisplayPort. I think all the keyboards, mice are standard USB.

    I found this but it's not Thunderbolt or DisplayPort, so I'm sure there's a better one.
  6. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    This one supports HDMI.

    If your Mac does not have external DisplayPort video ports, you will need to 'create' two for each Mac by plugging this USB-C to DisplayPort Dual Adapter to one Thunderbolt connector on you Mac.

    Once you deploy this USB-C to DisplayPort Dual Adapter you will have DisplayPort video across the board, allowing you to connect an AdderLink INFINITY 2102 Transmitter to each computer and an AdderLink INFINITY 2102 Receiver to each console, supporting USB keyboard/mouse and dual DisplayPort video @ 2560x1600 resolution.

    Hope this helps!
    We welcome your questions - please come back and ask us anything, anytime. You may also give us a call at 1-800-636-3434 for further clarifications on this thread.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.
  7. Great. Makes sense.

    Since this is just for my home, is there a less expensive solution? I'm looking at nearly $10K for three computers and three workstations I believe. The runs are from the basement to the floor above, and another to the second floor, so pretty short. If not, I understand and that is what it is, but thought I would ask.
  8. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    KVM over IP is quite an involved and sophisticated solution, so please be ware of any cheap hardware you may find elsewhere.
  9. Understood. Thanks.

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