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Multi-screen KVM with custom routing options

Discussion in 'KVM' started by kmvQuest, Aug 28, 2019.

  1. kmvQuest

    kmvQuest Guest

    The goal is to be able to selectively switch two monitors between three computers. A USB keyboard and mouse can be shared by all three devices.

    The Monitors
    • Both monitors are identical and each has a single VGA and a single HDMI input
    Computer 1 (currently online)
    • PC running Windows 10 connected to a docking station
    • The docking station has two DisplayPort outputs
    • The docking station is connected to the two monitors using two DisplayPort to HDMI adapters and HDMI cables
    Computer 2 (Mac 1, currently offline)
    • Mac Pro tower running Linux
    • Has DVI output and Mini-DisplayPort output
    • Adapter for HDMI output is available (no sound)
    Computer 3 (Mac 2, currently offline)
    • Mac Pro tower running Mac OS
    • Has DVI output and two Mini-DisplayPort outputs
    • Adapter for HDMI output is available (no sound)
    The four desired configurations are:

    1. The PC uses both monitors (dual display), OR
    2. PC uses one monitor and Mac 1 uses the other Monitor, OR
    3. PC uses one monitor and Mac 2 uses the other Monitor, OR
    4. Mac 1 and Mac 2 use one monitor each

    Is there a way to accomplish this?
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Hello kvmQuest,

    Thank you for reaching out on our HelpCenter.

    Yes! But we need a few clarifications before being able to recommend a system to accomplish this:

    1) Although Mac 1 has 2x video outputs and Mac 2 has 3x video outputs you did not list a scenario in which you may want each Mac to use both monitors (as you have listed in scenario #1 for the PC). Are we to assume then that for the intents of this setup we can regard both Macs as single-video computers (as oppose to the PC which is regarded as a dual-video computer)?

    2) In your console, will you be looking to share any USB devices other than a standard keyboard and mouse?

    Please advise.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.
  3. kmvQuest

    kmvQuest Guest

    1. In a perfect world, being able to have all the combinations would be great. There are nine total configurations if each computer can connect to each monitor independently as well as connect to both monitors at the same time. If that's possible that would be great! That's customized routing!

    2. Yes, I have external media with USB connection that needs to be able to connect to any machine.

  4. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Thanks for the follow-up, kvmQuest.

    It is possible, but it significantly raises the cost. We can configure a system for you that will...
    a) Regard the PC as a dual-video computer (allowing it to use both monitors) and the two Macs as single-video computers (allowing anyone of them to use only one monitor), or
    b) Regard all 3 computers as dual-video computers, allowing anyone of them to use both monitors

    Please advise which configuration is your preferred one and we will configure a solution for you.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.
  5. Quest

    Quest Guest

    Thank you for the clarification. To reduce costs I would like to select option "a" please.
  6. kvnQuest

    kvnQuest Guest

    Thank you for the clarification. To reduce costs I would like to select option "a" please.
  7. kmvQuest

    kmvQuest Guest

    Any update on this solution?
  8. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member


    Thank you for your patience!

    Yes! This can be accomplished using a KVM over IP system, utilizing a dedicated 1Gb Ethernet LAN.

    Conceptually, each source (computer) gets connected to a Transmitter, sending video and USB signals from the computer to the user console over the network. To accommodate configuration #1 you will need a dual-video Transmitter connected to the PC. A single-video Transmitter will get connected to each one of the Macs.

    The user console (with its two monitors, 1x keyboard and 1x mouse) gets connected to Receiver(s) unit(s).

    Typically, these systems drive video together with USB (keyboard/mouse). Since your configurations call for situations in which each monitor will be displaying video from a different computer, a separation between the video and the USB control will need to be facilitated in order to allow the user to choose whether the keyboard/mouse are controlling computer #1 (displayed on screen #1) or computer #2 (displayed on screen #2) as in your configurations #2, 3, and 4.

    Some of these KVM over IP systems require management appliance (or software) in order to facilitate the custom routing, others do not.

    Following, we will list specific solutions utilizing product that supports your requirements.

    Please stay tuned.
  9. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member


    Thank you again for your patience!

    Here's kvm-tec product you'll need to deploy on your dedicated Ethernet switch to accomplish this:
    4x MX1-L2000 Matrixline Single, CATx - Local Unit (one for each Mac; two for the dual-video PC)
    2x MX1-R2000 Matrixline Single, CATx - Remote Unit (for the user console with two monitors; one keyboard/mouse)

    For your convenience we're also attaching a diagram depicting this setup.

    Coming up soon - a similar deployment using AdderLink INFINITY - Stay tuned!

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.

    Attached Files:

  10. kmvQuest

    kmvQuest Guest

    Am I understanding this correctly: the total cost for this setup is $2,598.00

    I do appreciate the time and effort in configuring the solution but that is out of my price-range. I had no idea these devices were so expensive.

    Thanks though
  11. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Yes. kvm-tec solution is the least expensive.

    AdderLink XDIP (see attached diagram) is slightly more expensive, whereas AdderLink INFINITY (see attached diagram) is further more expensive.

    Hope this helps!
    We welcome your questions - please come back and ask us anything, anytime.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.

    Attached Files:

  12. kmvQuest

    kmvQuest Guest

    I really wanted to simplify and avoid buying additional monitors, keyboards, and mice, but I can do all of that for about $500 so I'm not sure how I could justify the expense of the kvm solution.

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