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Question Response to your question concerning Class 1 Division 2

Discussion in 'ASK - Get real answers from the experts' started by Larry LaFrance, Sep 9, 2022.

  1. Larry LaFrance

    Larry LaFrance New member


    My question is… Is all equipment certified to meet the Class 1 Division 2 Hazard location standards, i.e. (Explosion proof) You will find this Class 1 Division 2 information/ criteria on google. Most equipment will have a label that meet this requirement or written within their specifications

    Thank you

    Best regards,

    Larry LaFrance

    Technical Sales Manager

    Contec Systems Industrial Corp
    1566 Medical Drive
    Suite 310
    Pottstown, PA 19464 USA
    Ph: 610-326-3235 5021

    Fax: 610-326-3238

    Cell: 508-596-8696

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