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Video Running cables through walls

Discussion in 'Cables' started by Alex J, Aug 10, 2019.

  1. Alex J

    Alex J New member

    I am currently remodeling my living room. Walls down to the studs, looking to put cables for TV and home audio in the wall while I have everything open. Problem is I don't know what to put in the wall. I am an electrician so the install isn't a problem. Going to buy a new TV to mount to the wall. I know I need HDMI in wall, from 18 inches off floor up to the TV, but I don't know what audio to run or if I need other video.


  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Hello Alex,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    For home entertainment, the only video you might need based on currently-known technologies is HDMI.

    HDMI carries both video AND audio, so no separate audio runs are needed.

    That being said, you should be aware of the possibility of suffering from video degradation over long runs. Search our extensive offering of HDMI cables and you will notice that maximum length for "standard" cables is typically 50 feet (and no longer than 100 feet). Longer cables are typically fiber-based cables.

    Some additional considerations in choosing cables to run in the walls for your home entertainment may include:
    - In-wall rating for the cables
    - Max video resolution the cable supports
    - Additional features the cable supports such as Ethernet

    That being said, any cable you choose today may get outdated tomorrow because of technology advances. Also, you may at one point want to incorporate additional features into your home entertainment system, such as remote infrared control; remote on/off power; touch-screen, audio de-embedding, PoE, RS-232 and USB support, etc.

    To open yourself to the possible deployments of additional features and/or future technologies (e.g. 8K) you may want to consider running CAT-6/7 cables instead of HDMI cables. This will allow you to use video extenders which may include – if you so choose – additional features that HDMI cabling is unable to provide, and will allow you to upgrade your technology in the future merely by replacing the extension hardware with newer one.

    Hope this helps!
    We welcome your questions - please come back and ask us anything, anytime.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.

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