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Switch Switch to Handle 3840x1600 Alienware AW3821DW Monitor

Discussion in 'KVM' started by AndreaW, Apr 21, 2021.

  1. AndreaW

    AndreaW Guest

    What would be the best switch to get that could handle an Alienware AW3821DW monitor (3840x1600 resolution) shared between two PCs (via DisplayPort)?
  2. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    Hello Andrea,

    Thank you for reaching out on our HelpCenter.

    Anyone of these 9 products (being that they all support 4K resolution) will support your setup (which is slightly lower than 4K resolution).

    Hope this helps!
    We welcome your questions - please come back and ask us anything, anytime. You may also give us a call at 1-800-636-3434 for further clarifications on this thread.

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.
  3. brokemolotov

    brokemolotov Guest

    I'm afraid your statement is wrong.
    I bought a Startech SV231DPDDUA2 switch, which costed me over 300 bucks, just to find out it's not working properly with my Alienware curved 38''.
    I had a long conversation with Startech's technical support and they confirmed that the fact a switch supports 4K resolution doesn't mean it will work with Ultrawide monitors, since the aspect ratio is different.
    In my case, it actually doesn't, and after trying all the troubleshooting they suggested, they said that they are sorry, but none of their 4k switches officially support Ultrawide resolutions.
    Before wasting money, have a chat with the manufacturer's technical support to make sure the specific resolution is supported (don't bother with resellers or distributors, they often are not fully competent and assume things that in reality are more complex).
  4. Remoris

    Remoris Guest

    I hope I am not stepping on anyone's toes. I just want to put my 2 cents in. I just purchased the same KVM and it does work with my 34GP950G Curved LG monitor - the issue is the Hz.
    The StarTech support remote into my system and changed the Hz to 60 and it works fine now.
    StarTech does not make any KVM that will support video above 60Hz.
    I have an Alienware from DELL as well and I am rather bummed to loose on the Video processing because of the KVM hence why I am looking for a KVM that will support at least 120 Hz.
    I apologize if I was not suppose to post my comment.

  5. richaedf

    richaedf Guest

    Watch out for refresh rates on KVM switches. I don't think they go over 60hz. I could be wrong but never seen more.
  6. KVMGalore Expert

    KVMGalore Expert Staff Member

    The refresh rate supported by a KVM switch is typically in correlation with the video-version the KVM switch supports.
    For example: DisplayPort 1.4 supports 4K video resolution @ 120Hz, whereas DisplayPort 1.2 supports 4K video resolution only @ 60Hz.

    Another rule of thumb: If a KVM switch supports 4K video resolution @ 60Hz, it will support a higher refresh rate at a lower resolution.

    That being said, it is always a good practice to check with a KVMGalore expert whether a particular model will support any lower-than-max video resolution at a higher refresh rate than the one specified to be supported by the max video resolution.

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