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Sensor Watchdog 15-UN Availability

Discussion in 'Environment Monitors' started by Rahmadhani, Jul 18, 2022.

  1. Rahmadhani

    Rahmadhani Guest

    Is it Watchdog 15-UN still available to buy? We are need about 20 pcs completed with an adaptor for power supply international.
    The shipment shall be to Indonesia

  2. Customer Service

    Customer Service Staff Member

    Dear Dhani,

    Thank you for reaching out on our HelpCenter.

    Yes, Watchdog 15-UN is available for purchase, and it ships with a universal power supply that is equipped with multiple different plugs for international use.

    Hope this helps!

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.
  3. dhani

    dhani Guest

    thank you to response it. another question is it available for T/T payment via bank if we proceed the goods?

  4. Customer Service

    Customer Service Staff Member

  5. Rahmadhani

    Rahmadhani Guest

    I want to proceed 25 pcs, should I put purchase order via mail or just pay via T/T? But what the notification should be put? Is it any code or purchase number?

  6. Customer Service

    Customer Service Staff Member

    Dear Rahmadhani,

    Thank you for following up.

    Please send your purchase order via email to: orders@kvmgalore.com

    Important note: To continue this discussion - please respond via KVMGalore HelpCenter thread, NOT via e-mail.
  7. dhani

    dhani Guest

    I already placed the PO last night, have you received it?

  8. Customer Service

    Customer Service Staff Member

  9. dhani

    dhani Guest

    regarding the order, we already made a payment on 19 Aug 2022, please check your account.

  10. Customer Service

    Customer Service Staff Member

    Dear Dhani,

    Thank you for your order.

    Your order is expected to ship on or before September 19, 2022.
    [Actual shipping date may vary]

    Once your order is ready to ship, we will advise weight and dimensions so that you can arrange a shipping label and a pickup.

    Hope this helps. Please feel free to contact KVMGalore again, anytime, with any question.

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